Automatically donate monthly, quarterly or annually

We welcome donors who set up a recurring donation so that they automatically donate an amount to Voedselbank  Amsterdam every month, every quarter or every year. This provides us with more constant income that we badly need.

By making the first payment you also give permission for the direct debit of the following payments.

At the bottom of this page you will find the answers to many questions.

Choose the interval of your recurring donation

Automatically every month (maandelijks), quarterly (3 maanden) or year (jaarlijks)

Enter your name and email address

This is necessary, for example to be able to stop your donation at your request later.
You will receive one email from us confirming that you have set up the recurring donation.


Add a comment (or the company name) here if desired.

Enter the amount

At least € 5.00 due to the costs that are charged to us per debit.

The date on which you give this order here determines approximately the time of the next debit.

You can always reverse a direct debit via your bank.

Canceling the automatic debit of your recurring donation is very easy by sending an email to We always confirm this to you.

Payments are made through our payment provider Mollie. The description of the debit is, for example, ‘Stichting Steunpunt Voedselbank Ams via Mollie’.